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At BMK, we're committed to providing top-notch Testing solutions that seamlessly integrate with our electronic assembly services. Our expertise in crafting robust test systems, paired with our state-of-the-art equipment, ensures we remain at the forefront of technology in the industry.

What Is Testing, and Why Does It Matter?

Testing stands as one of the critical, advanced phases in the production process, driven by two primary objectives:
Validating Assembly: This involves the technical scrutiny of the assembly itself, where both automated and manual tests come into play. The goal here is simple: to guarantee that all components have been assembled and soldered accurately according to the engineering documentation and product specifications.
Functional Assessment: This step is about assessing the product's real-world performance. It's the litmus test to determine whether the product aligns with the customer's defined specifications, whether it's an electronic circuit board (PCBA), prototype, or a fully assembled product.

The Significance of Testing

From a Customer’s Perspective

Risk Management: While testing processes can't eliminate all risks, at BMK, we help our customers minimize these risks by employing a combination of various testing methods, providing a high level of assurance.

Quality Assurance: BMK's Testing process instills confidence in the quality of the product's assembly.

Comprehensive Insights: Proper testing offers customers a holistic view of the electronic assembly process from start to finish, encompassing the entire product lifecycle, including functional performance and precise assembly as outlined in the engineering documentation.

Precision Testing: BMK designs precise testing setups using state-of-the-art equipment.
From a Manufacturer’s Perspective Testing is a critical element as it enables the manufacturer to verify both the components and the manufacturing process. This includes confirming that soldering was carried out correctly, components were placed correctly according to the bill of materials, and more.
Regulation Compliance: Many electronic products must adhere to regulatory requirements, particularly in fields like medical EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services), or military EMS. Testing ensures that products not only meet customer specifications but also adhere to the necessary regulatory standards, even to the extent of in-process quality control.


Diverse Testing Techniques at BMK

  • Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI):We seamlessly integrate AOI machines directly into our SMT assembly lines. All products undergo automatic visual inspection, with results tailored specifically to each product.
  • Flying Probe (FP): Representing the cutting edge, this solution is perfect for small to medium volumes, prototypes, and development. It's even capable of board testing without a power supply.
  • In-Circuit Test (ICT): An electrical test for various board components like capacitors, resistors, coils, diodes, and transistors, using "bed of nails" fixtures.
  • Boundary Scan Test (BST): A digital test for internal electronic components, highly effective in detecting faults and validating component functionality.
  • Functional Test (FCT): Evaluates the assembly's real-world functionality under actual conditions. It ensures that the electronic card functions correctly and performs as intended. FCT is performed at the circuit level and identifies issues to be addressed.
  • High-Voltage Test (HVT): Checks if components meet specific voltage requirements and whether the product can withstand a particular voltage.
  • Climatic Chamber Testing (BURN IN): Tests the product under actual climatic conditions it will encounter during operation, ranging from -70 to +180 degrees Celsius. This includes testing components loaded with software under various temperature conditions.
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