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מוליכים למחצה

Electronic assemblies in the semi-conductor industry demand an uncompromising level of manufacturing capability. These assemblies must meet the highest quality standards and, importantly, deliver within tight timeframes.

With over three decades of experience, BMK is a seasoned electronic assembly supplier. We place a strong emphasis on these vital factors, acknowledging the dynamic nature of the semiconductor industry.

At BMK, we take pride in offering our customers peace of mind and cutting-edge technological engineering solutions across the entire supply chain. From material management to delivery, we've got you covered.


Benefit from our wealth of manufacturing experience spanning nearly three decades, during which we've successfully executed numerous projects in the highly competitive semiconductor market. The result? A minimized execution speed (Time to Market) without compromising maintaining cost-effectiveness.

We've invested in state-of-the-art manufacturing lines, backed by a highly skilled team that helps you stay at the forefront of the industry. Our comprehensive engineering support ensures rapid responses to sudden changes or tight timelines at every stage of your product lifecycle.


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